Knowledge Center

Below you’ll find a list of useful articles, educational documents, and videos created by Flight-1 instructors and other prominent individuals involved in canopy flight or design. Check back regularly for new material.

Flight-1 Archive


The Evolution of Technogly in Canopy Control Training - Ian Bobo PIA 2023

Ian takes an in-depth view of the evolution of technology and introduces a few new products in the marketplace. He demonstrates and identifies the future of technology in Canopy Control Training.


Flight-1 Safety tips

Safety day top tips from your local Flight-1 Instructors.


Should you even downsize?

Julian Barthel discuses rapid downsizing and its pitfalls.


Choosing the right canopy

Pete Allum discusses factors to consider to find your ideal canopy.


8 Priniciples for canopy piloting

Paul Dorward from Flight-1 talks through 8 principles that can assist with canopy progression.


Dynamic Flocking

Pete Allum guides us through the exciting new dicipline of canopy flocking.


5 Tips to staying alive

Flight-1 Instructor Phil Webley looks at 5 simple ways of staying alive under canopy.



Flight-1 Instructor Paul Dorward takes a deep dive into the topic of Down-Sizing.


Landing Priorities by Maxine Tate

How to land safely, anywhere, any time…


Flying Predictably

Maxine Tate of Flight-1 shows how it’s easy to cause a traffic jam if you alter your rate of descent in the pattern.